2024 STEM Initial Teacher Education Bursary with Boston Scientific and RAISE

Boston Scientific, Galway and RAISE are proud to invite students to apply to our 3rd level ITE Bursary Program which aims to support the promotion of STEM in the community. This bursary is part of an overall strategy that aligns with Boston Scientific’s STEM Strategy, where we are dedicated to inspiring a global and diverse future generation of innovators through high-quality STEM education by working with schools and organizations to increase student aspiration, ability, and access.
We want to focus on encouraging STEM teachers to be strong and positive advocates for STEM by encouraging children and young people to consider pursuing STEM in their futures by making it engaging and accessible. The aim of this Bursary is to highlight the important role that teachers have in supporting and encouraging students and to celebrate the part they play in our education system.
Our intent is that STEM education becomes more attractive and accessible to student teachers across the Republic of Ireland and that indeed, the uptake of STEM is celebrated.
This Bursary is open to all incoming fourth-year undergraduate students in joint STEM subject undergraduate teacher education degree programmes across the Republic of Ireland.
Value: €3,750 as a once off payment
Entry Criteria:
- Incoming fourth year undergraduate students in initial teacher education programmes with STEM specific subjects across the Republic of Ireland
- Short essay, 1000 - 1500 words, personal reflection based on: My role as a STEM educator and advocate”
- Email the completed essay and entry form to galway-stem@bsci.com by midnight Friday June 16th
If you know someone who may be interested in this please share this information with them and if you are interested in applying yourself, please have a look at the criteria document below.